The Undertaker Reveals Humble Beginnings in Backyard Wrestling on “Six Feet Under” Podcast

Posted at: June 17, 2024 - 7:36 PM

In a recent episode of “Six Feet Under,” The Undertaker’s podcast, guest Chris Van Vliet revealed his aspirations of becoming a wrestler, starting in backyard wrestling. The Undertaker admitted to having a similar start, saying, “Backyard wrestling. I got my start in backyard wrestling.” He recounted being much larger than his peers, describing them as “teeny tiny” compared to his 6’8″ and 320-pound frame.

When asked about his backyard wrestling name, The Undertaker revealed it was “Powerhouse,” inspired by his gym t-shirt. Van Vliet also discussed his early days as a backyard wrestler and transition to entertainment reporting, leading to his first wrestling interview with Bobby Lashley 17 years ago.

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