Former WWE star MVP reveals dream opponents, including The Rock and NWA era wrestlers

Posted at: September 13, 2024 - 10:05 PM

MVP, a former WWE star, recently shared his thoughts on dream opponents he wished he could have faced during his prime. He expressed a strong desire to have gone toe-to-toe with The Rock, particularly for their potential mic work, believing it would have made for exceptional television. MVP also mentioned Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle as wrestlers he admired for their technical and tactical wrestling styles.

While MVP did have matches with Benoit in WWE and Angle in TNA, he felt he could have had more memorable encounters with Angle if their careers had aligned differently. Additionally, MVP revealed that wrestling legend Arn Anderson once told him he would have matched up well with many wrestlers from the 1980s, making MVP wish he had been active during the era of NWA territories.

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